Announcement of the Winners of the Maritime Youth Science and Technology Rewards 2024

Announcement of the Winners of the Maritime Youth Science and Technology Rewards 2024

Document of CIN〔2024〕No.62

All relevant units:

According to the Regulation on National Science and Technology Awards and the newly revised Measures for Science and Technology Awards of the CIN, after being appraised by the CIN Expert Review Committee for the Maritime Youth Science and Technology Rewards 2024, the list of winners of the award is as follows. The announcement is carried out according to the procedure (sorted by strokes of surnames):

Wang Yanbin China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Wang Chao East Eastern Navigation Service Center, Maritime Safety Administration, People's Republic of China

Ai Yunfei China Transport Communications and Information Center

Fu Shanshan Shanghai Maritime University

Wu Feiyun Jimei University

Liu Wenbin CCCC Tianjin Port Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Liu Lu Dalian Maritime University

Liu Jialun Wuhan University of Technology

Lu Shuhui CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Sun Qian, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute

Lanru China Waterborne Transport Research Institute

Jiangling Changjiang Waterway Survey and Design Institute(Wuhan)Co.,Ltd

Zhang Yanfei Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute CO.,Ltd.

Fang Zhuo Transport Planning and Research Institute Ministry of Transport

Yao Gaole Northern Navigation Service Center, Maritime Safety Administration, People's Republic of China

Yuan Hao Chongqing Jiaotong University

Cui Cheng Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering Ministry of Transport

Lei Wei China Classification Society

Liao Yulei Harbin Engineering University

Xue Shu Ministry of Water Resources; Ministry of Transport; National Energy Administration; Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

The review results of the China Youth Maritime Science and Technology Award are open for public supervision from April 22 to April 26. To facilitate verification and ensure objectivity and fairness, any objections from units or individuals must be submitted in writing, indicating their true identity, and providing valid contact information and necessary evidence. Objections under false names or beyond the deadline will not be accepted.

Contact: YANG Yue 010-65799793/18701285727


China Institute of Navigation

22th April 2024