Academic Seminar on Construction of High-Quality Inland Waterway Crew was Held in Wuhan

In order to celebrate the 18th "Maritime Day of China", highlight the important contribution of inland navigation in promoting economic and social development, and promote the construction of high-quality inland river crew, the Academic Seminar on Construction of High-Quality Inland Waterway Crew was held online and offline in Wuhan on July 13, which was organized by CIN and Changjiang Maritime Safety Administration and undertaken by the committee of the Maritime on Inland Waters of CIN. Mo Jianhui, vice president of CIN, Huan Zhaoping, deputy director of Changjiang Maritime Safety Administration attended the seminar, and nearly 60 representatives from relevant shipping enterprises, training institutions and maritime administrative agencies attended the seminar offline, and more than 120 representatives attended the seminar online.

Mo Jianhui, vice President of CIN, delivered a welcome speech, and highly appreciated the importance of promoting the construction of high-quality inland waterway crew from three aspects-- "the High-quality Development of Inland Waterway Shipping is Inseparable from the High-quality Inland Waterway Crew", "the Healthy and Stable Development of Inland Waterway Crew is Critical to the Stable Employment of Society and People’s Well-being", and "the Construction of Inland Waterway Crew is a Systematic Project". He pointed out that the construction of inland waterway crew is critical to the stability of inland waterway traffic safety, the development of inland waterway shipping business and the stability of people's livelihood, thus raising a claim for this seminar from three aspects, namely, “Highlighting the Theme and Innovating Technology", "Facing the Society, Consulting Primary Level on Political Governance ", "Forming the Scale, Enhancing the Effect", with deep love for the inland waterway crew and ardent expectation for this seminar.

Huan Zhaoping, deputy director of the Changjiang Maritime Safety Administration, said in his speech that the high-quality inland waterway crew is the core element of high-quality development of inland waterway shipping, and its importance has aroused much attention from all walks of society. At the same time, in accordance with the theme of "Leading the New Trend of Green, Low-carbon and Intelligent Navigation" of the Maritime Day of China, he pointed out the natural advantages of inland navigation in leading the new trend of green, low-carbon and intelligent navigation, gave his understanding of high-quality inland river crew under the new development trend of shipping, and analyzed the outstanding problems faced in the construction of high-quality inland river crew.

At the seminar, experts and scholars from shipping enterprises, training institutions and maritime administrative agencies from the front line of crew management gave speeches and exchanges on "how to read", "what to do" and "how to do" in terms of the construction of high-quality inland river crew from different angles around the theme of the seminar, and the research samples covered the crew of Yangtze River, Pearl River, Amur River and other major inland river waters. The seminar united the industry consensus, offered the industry program, answered the question of the times, providing a strong guide to open a new journey of high-quality inland waterway crew construction.